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Life Long Ear Infections

A Journey to Health: How Chiropractic Care Changed My Life

It’s funny how life can take unexpected turns. My introduction to chiropractic care started about 13 years ago when a pretty girl walked into a coffee shop, asked me out, and before I knew it, I was getting regular adjustments—and marrying her! Growing up, I knew very little about chiropractic care, and what I did hear wasn’t exactly positive.

In fact, my dad was pretty skeptical about chiropractors. I have a vivid memory of him getting upset when a friend took his son to a chiropractor instead of a doctor for a fever. My dad called them “witch doctors” and was adamant that chiropractic care wasn’t real medicine. So, naturally, I grew up with a certain bias.

A Health History Full of Surgeries

Reflecting on my health as a kid compared to my own son, Jasper, who’s now three and a half, I can’t help but notice the stark differences. By the time I was his age, I had already had my tonsils and adenoids removed, along with my first set of tubes in my ears. That was just the beginning. Over the next two decades, I had a total of eight sets of tubes surgically placed in my ears due to constant infections. My last set went in when I was 22 years old.

I’ve become used to managing these health issues—so much so that, even now at 42, I’m often the guy running around the beach with earplugs. Ear infections, sinus problems, and chronic sickness were just a part of life for me.

Chiropractic Care Changed Everything

When I first started getting adjusted, I didn’t have any immediate, groundbreaking results. But over time, I began to notice significant changes. One of the biggest shifts? I haven’t had an ear infection in over 10 years. Going from two or three infections per year to zero is a game-changer.

Not only that, but I started getting fewer colds, and when I did get sick, the symptoms didn’t last nearly as long. I realized that chiropractic care was helping me build a stronger foundation for health—a cornerstone, if you will.

The Cornerstone of Wellness

For me, chiropractic care isn’t just about the adjustments. It’s about learning how to live a life full of vitality. My wife and her colleagues taught me so much more than I ever expected about nutrition, wellness, and how to take care of my body in a holistic way. Chiropractic care has shown me that wellness isn’t just about going to the doctor when you’re sick; it’s about actively cultivating a life of health and well-being.

Looking back, I wish I had experienced this care earlier in life. Maybe I wouldn’t have had so many surgeries or dealt with so many infections. Now, I’m making sure that my son gets the benefits of chiropractic care from the very start.

A Better Life for My Son

Jasper has been getting adjusted since birth. He still gets sick from time to time, but I’ve noticed that his colds don’t last as long as his friends’. Even the way he interacts with the world seems different, and I believe chiropractic care has played a role in that.

It’s amazing to watch him grow up with the tools and support to be healthier than I was. While these are just my observations, I can’t help but credit the care we’ve chosen for him.

A Lifelong Commitment to Health

Chiropractic care has been one of the greatest gifts in my life, transforming not only my health but my perspective on what it means to truly live well. It’s about more than just treating symptoms—it’s about building a foundation of wellness that supports a vibrant, healthy life.

If you’re considering chiropractic care, know that it’s more than just a quick fix for back pain or a way to “crack” your spine. It’s a holistic approach to well-being, and it can make all the difference—for both you and your family.

This journey has been more than I ever anticipated, and I’m grateful for the unexpected turn that brought me to where I am today.

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